Small changes

Today I decided to change the blog a bit.

  1. I added an OpenId header.
  2. I added a Pavatar header
  3. I removed the ‘Add to:’ bar below the posts
  4. I added a page for the Pingerator.
  5. I decided to test the text-ad services: Google AdSense, Text Link Ads and ToboAds.

I added OpenID because I think it’s a really good initiative. If you don’t know much about it go check Simon Willison’s screencast on how to use it and how to add it to your site. I found Pavatar on Brian Ellin’s blog and felt it’s a nice idea – I was thinking about what could replace Gravatar now that it’s down (as did Dave). I also went and removed the ‘Add to:’ links since I didn’t really like them and I just added them to see if they would have any influence on posts actually being bookmarked. The pingerator was added to increase its findability and the ad services will be tested to see how they work and if they work for me. If I get any money it will be invested in software and/or computer books.

9 Responses to “Small changes”

  1. AdsBay says:

    Nice changes, but your mouse over menu is not working properly with IE7! The menu opens but when you go to click on a menu item it closes again. It works fine with FireFox though :D

  2. <link rel=�pavatar� href=� />

    The ? should be “

  3. AdsBay – thanks for the report, will check the code.
    Jeena – pasted from Brian Elin’s blog – the quotes are not normal double quotes unfortunately.

  4. Well, your pavatar just doesn’t work.

    You’ll have to replace these UTF characters with “.

  5. View Source can handle UTF-8 characters, but most parsers can’t.

    At least mine doesn’t.

  6. Dmitry – the quotes have been changed even before I posted the comment in response to Jeena. Obviously your parser can’t handle something else…

  7. my mistake. forgot I added it to the root as well.

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