Web mashups – LIFFe

A few days ago the local film festival LIFFe launched its programme. Again it was not an exceptional work of IA or UX. You can access the whole list of movies that leads to individual movie pages that contain details and the showing times. You can also check the schedule by individual date that unfortunately contains almost no details about the movie – just the title. Sections of the festival do not have a page where you can see all the movies that compete in that section.

So I decided to create a quick mashup of all scripts that have been lying around my disk for some time now. This proved to be a quite difficult task because of a lot of reasons. The first one was that the code behind the page is incredibly ugly – table layouts in table layouts without ids, classes or almost anything you can use to find your way around it. The next problem was the encoding and my use of php that is not too friendly to windows-1250 encoding used on the source page. Eventually I did it in a bit less than a day – it’s not perfect, but I think it shows that it can be done better and it does not take more time.

I have some stuff to add but since the festival is getting closer and closer I present Program 17. LIFFe festivala.

The page uses some AJAX (XHR to be exact), DOM parsing of the source data and SortedTable to present the data.

4 Responses to “Web mashups – LIFFe”

  1. Valter Robut says:

    Interesting and useful for a quick checkup on films parameters, since I know its story and general details.

    There are, however, some bugs in the pages. While playing around with turning URNIK children on and off for example, some categories stay around when they should gone away.

  2. […] Program 17. LIFFe festa je najprej na voljo v trdi knjižici na blagajni in v spletni obliki na uradni strani. Po njem je program ukrojil Marko Mrdjenovič ali bloger ego in ga predstavil na blogu outbreak. […]

  3. David R says:

    Well done,
    to even further enhance UX you could provide the full description of movie like on “Netflix”:http://www.netflix.com/BrowseSelection?lnkctr=nmhbs

  4. I was thinking about addind that and also the option to make your own selection of movies. Didn’t have time yet though.

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