24ur.com relaunched

What we got:

What we didn’t get:,

  • yslow – >160 requests for >450k – but it takes more time to load, probably due to javascripts in the head
  • microformats – wishful thinking
  • openid – wishful thinking

What I didn’t check but I think it’s safe to say we didn’t get:

  • blogs compatibility
  • screen saver for banners

Another thing we lost in the transition is the TV guide. I don’t know where they lost it but you can get it here.


4 Responses to “24ur.com relaunched”

  1. […] 24ur.com, najbolj obiskan spletni portal v Sloveniji, je končno doživel spremembo. Po oglaševanju, ki smo ga bili deležni zadnji mesec na Pop Tv-ju in vseh ostalih PR zadevah, so čez noč končno spremenili svoj resnično zastarel dizajn. In kaj so naredili. Vsaka podobnost z Dnevnik.hr je zgolj in samo plod vaše domišljije. 24ur je vsekakor lepši, kot je bil, vendar vseeno ni to, kar sem pričakoval da bo. Prevelika podobnost že znanim in lansiranim projektom! Zanima me, kako bodo prenovljen portal 24ur.com sprejeli ostali uporabniki interneta. Nekateri blogerji so že zapisali svoje razmišljanje: 24ur.com -> nova podoba 24ur.com relaunched Nova podoba 24ur.com Novih 24ur.com Dan norcev ali redesign dan? Whatsup? 01.04.2008 | had pise | […]

  2. fjodor says:

    wtf…. včeraj sem med RSS viri dobil tegale:


  3. Marko says:

    Big disappointment, eh?

  4. Not really. I expect other people to only catch up and not design/create for the future… Seldom am I proven wrong.

    What I wanted to do with that post is get the ideas out – I don’t want to be the person that grumbles how everybody is wrong without saying what I think is right or at least in the right direction…

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