Online communities

Spletne urice #34 served its audience with a nice talk about what online communities are and a quick reality check that hardware or software are not key components to the success of a specific community. Some of the more advanced visitors were a bit disappointed since the talk did not serve any points one could really work upon or any numbers or more direct lessons to be learned from studying them.

I was fascinated at how Jure has shown us that even a geek crowd can engage in a more active conversation with the person giving the talk – not only with mumbling and nodding. His way of delivering information is really amazing – it shows he has a lot of practice at Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana (which recently got Equis accreditation) where he recently graduated and is also a demonstrator there.

At the same time Tim Berners-Lee seems to have discovered that internet has grown out of the computer science and needs some more formal research done.

After the talk we also had a short talk from mozdev admin and Mozilla developer Brian King about the new Firefox 2.0 features. Since he spoke about most of the important features Marko just quickly reviewed the ones that developers should know best. The Firefox launch party then moved to a nearby pub where we continued with pizza and beer.

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