Switching to Opera? Not just yet…

After the latest update ( and an update to the del.icio.us add-on I’ve become an expert in debugging Firefox. I really hate that.

I’m thinking about Opera more and more. I like a lot of things in the latest Opera (9.5 Alpha), but hate that I haven’t found all that I need in a browser. So I’m going to list it here (in hopes that somebody from Opera sees this list and does something about it):

  • Firebug
  • Web developer toolbar
  • HTML Tidy
  • Del.icio.us toolbar

The first three are obviously the result of me being a web developer. The last one is pretty obvious.

One Response to “Switching to Opera? Not just yet…”

  1. Hi, I’m Daniel from Opera Software.

    Take a look at our developer tools. We’re currently building more serious developer tools, which should be out a later time.

    As for HTML Tidy, I haven’t really poked around Tidy, but you may find a replacement in one of our HTML Opera Widgets.

    For the Delicious toolbar, check out this page.

    I hope you give Opera another chance. :)

    Opera Software

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