Archive for October, 2006

xinf is not flash

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006

Spletne urice” started today with a talk from the lead developer and inventor of xinf Daniel P. Fischer. He talked about getting rid of flash by using it. The talk concentrated around xinf, an open development tool that shares a lot of goals with Flash but has a community driven open development.

The idea behind xinf is to create a new environment for creating rich media applications and then export them to different ‘platforms’. Currently available are javascript (in Firefox) and native (xinfinity). Export for Flash existed in a previous version and is also planned for this version. Xinf is LGPL and is based on many opensource solutions and libraries. The project is also looking for developers in various areas with the promise that Daniel will take you to his island when xinf is so huge that he’ll be able to afford it. You’ll probably get more insight when the presentation is online.

Related news:
Our local multimedia center Cyberpipe is hosting haip a multimedia festival of open technologies this week.

If you live on the moon – GoogleTube

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

Google bought YouTube for 1.65 billion US dollars in stock. Are they going to sell now or hope they get more later? Would they get more by sticking with YouTube and selling later? Why didn’t Yahoo buy them?

Update: Obviously they got more by selling:

Based on today’s closing price of $481.03 per share, the deal is already worth $1.775 billion to YouTube’s shareholders.

Light laptops

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

I’m looking for a small and very lightweight laptop.

I have my old laptop for more than three years (even the extended guarantee expired) and I’m thinking of first getting me a lightweighter that I can really carry around all the time. The idea is that it would let me do little things – corrections really – and also use it instead of my current paper notebook.

I don’t think it should/will replace my current laptop that will probably be changed to another portable workstation (I’m using this term for laptops with more that 3kg that you mostly have on your desk and use for day to day work) sometime next year (before summer if Vista is stable by then).

In any case – do you have one? Why do you (dis)like it? Do you know one that is supposed to be awsome?

Link thumbnails

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

Ever wanted to show picture previews of links on your site? Now you can do that easily. Just use this. There’s only one problem – you only get one screenshot per domain so it’s no fun linking to a page that has a splash screen that doesn’t fit or a userfolder at a server or…


Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

I’m happy to announce that friedcellcollective is sponsoring an art project by a French artist Alexandra Filiatreau. Friedcellcollective implemented the website (powered by WordPress 2.0), designed by Cicifoo.

Another reason to hate AJAX

Wednesday, October 11th, 2006

Maybe I forgot to mention this in my talk about why I hate AJAX but this is a very good point against a lot of AJAX use. If I have to wait for the content I might as well see the whole screen redrawn – it’ll wake me up after the loading is done. If you’re able to guarantee an instant response do it, otherwise don’t. How would you feel about “suggests” that you can see 10 seconds after you typed something?

If you weren’t able to see me talk about AJAX – I hate it because so much of its use is just plain wrong and the perpetrators should have their clicking fingers broken and internet connection reduced to 2400bps.

Talking about talks – a new season of Spletne urice, weekly talks at the local multimedia center Cyberpipe is starting next week. I hope we’ll get some foreign speakers this year – we’re offering costs to cover the trip to lovely Slovenia and a limited number of hotel nights so you can see the countryside. If you have no idea where Slovenia is or what it’s like let me just point you to and tell you that you can see the mountains and the sea in just two hours.