Archive for the ‘interface’ Category

New version of Zemanta is out

Thursday, August 14th, 2008

Book cover of Designing With Web StandardsBook cover via AmazonWe released a new version a few days ago.

It’s mostly a bugfix release on the front-end part while there are quite a few fascinating developments on the back end. The first one is that we now suggest CrunchBase links to companies and people and we also suggest images to go with that. So if you’re writing about a start-up, a funding round, investors or anything else that is present in CrunchBase you’re likely to get better suggestions.

We’ve also added Amazon book covers for books that we find in Amazon (like Designing With Web Standards by Jeffrey Zeldman or Transcending CSS by Andy Clarke).

The biggest news is that we were able to transfer the Zemanta experience to Windows Live Writer which is our first desktop application integration. I hope this brings joy to the users of Live Writer. Being the first desktop application integration it didn’t go without glitches but I hope we fixed all the bugs, even those that were found by the first users.

We also have a new home page for everybody who doesn’t yet know what we do. If you don’t have our extension/plugin installed and you’re a blogger give it a go – you won’t regret it.

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Top 10 Usability Lows Of Mac OS

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

White MacBook laptopImage via Wikipedia I’ve been using a Mac since I started my job at Zemanta. I wanted to have a Mac because I want to be able to use Windows and Mac OS and change from one to the other seamlessly. When I saw Top 10 Usability Highs Of Mac OS on Smashing Magazine and read the first point I figured that I don’t agree with the list. Strongly.

  1. Consistency

    There’s probably a lot of stuff that acts completely consistently but I think we can find this in all operating systems. What I really hate is that moving through text with the keyboard is really utterly inconsistent on a Mac. My Macbook keyboard is missing buttons that are very valuable to me when coding – Page down, Page up, Home, End. There are hints of these with Fn + arrow keys but in every application these act differently. And this all changes when using the wireless keyboard. The same goes for jumping over words / phrases…

  2. Intuitivity

    I didn’t get the install. Why would I have to drag something to Applications if I already decided to install it? It’s like a waiter coming back and rechecking your order. And it’s not really that intuitive – it took me a few installs (to get one where it was neatly explained with a “drag the app to the Applications to install”) to get it.

  3. Effective and appropriate metaphors

    I could agree with this but then again I have the desktop set to two screens and when on the top screen and an application is positioned so that it should appear on the bottom screen it doesn’t. Which isn’t really consistent. After a few tries I figured out that you can actually move stuff around if you persist long enough. Made me think though.

  4. Informative error reporting on-demand

    If this was true it would tell me that my wireless connection went down and I wouldn’t have to recheck it all the time. And it goes down often even though the other side is a Time Capsule which should be totally compiant.

  5. Hiding the technical details

    Great for novice users. But once in a while you want to get to know something more about your computer. And then you have to download 1GB of developer tools to get a simple compiler. I know, I’m not the target audience, I should really have a Linux instalation, right?

  6. Fitts’ Law

    I’m quite sure that I do a lot more mouse miles on a Mac than on a PC. There’s a simple reason — when you have two screens you have to decide where your menu bar will be. And if you’re using an application on the other screen you’re bound to have to make a trip every time you don’t know a keyboard shortcut. And you don’t if you’re a rookie user like me. I think this was a neat idea in the age of small single screens but times have changed – need to move on Apple

  7. User input feedback

    Having no OK and using auto-save and auto-apply where possible is great. If it really would be used this way consistently. Unfortunately some situations aren’t really the auto-save type and this makes you think – will the next click already apply or will it just change it and I can undo everything I made with a simple click on the Cancel button?

  8. User support and navigation

    This really is a great feature but it’s not a plus anymore. Vista has the same feature implemented and if we only look at it from a view of a user the only difference is that Vista’s is a bit slower. On the other hand it finds more stuff.

  9. Workflow

    This has more to do with the way you use an OS then the features of Mac OS. The only difference is that Mac OS actively discourages maximizing apps and has more features that help you find lost windows. The difference is getting smaller though.

  10. Even kernel panic looks nice!

    Haven’t ever seen a kernel panic yet. That doesn’t mean my Mac has never crashed, it only means I never saw a the panic screen. It crashed with a black screen, auto restart or just freezing.

I agree that there are many features that stand out on the Mac OS X but it also has a lot of stuff that is not as good as it could be. A nice example is the Finder that looks the same when opened as an application or when used as the browse window in another application. The only problem is that in the second case all the control-click options are gone and if you try to open a file and remember you have to update your repository first you have to go to another window and update it there.

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Caching in Firefox 3

Friday, June 27th, 2008

@tadej told me a few days ago at the Firefox 3 launch party that he had issues with the way caching is handled in Firefox 3. I didn’t have such issues myself but it reminded me that I didn’t change the caching behavior when I installed it. So yesterday I opened the preferences and found the caching options under Advanced / Network. I was not really surprised that the options for how the cache works were missing — you really don’t want your everyday Joe to change this stuff since it may affect the perceived speed of the browser.

Since this was probably just left out of the interface I opened about:config and filtered with cache which gave me a few entries. The most interesting one was browser.cache.check_doc_frequency. Unfortunately it has a numeric value with a hidden meaning. And I had no idea what that meaning is.

I googled the thing and found a mozillaZine article about it. It explains how it works — the property defines how often the browser checks for a new version of a specific file. The possible values are as follows:

once per session
when out of date (default)

The default is 3 which is not very good for development purposes when you want changes to take effect immediately. What you want is 1 which means that every request will go to the server every time. You’ll get many 304s but you’ll also get a 200 as soon as a file changes on the server. So I changed the value to 1 and now I’m a happy developer.

Zemanta Pixie

Acrobat, the platform

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008

Adobe AcrobatImage via WikipediaThis post was written via the newly published Zemanta Reblog, the first feature I worked on at my new job. I helped evolve and implement the interface, which is not perfect yet but is better and will get even better in the future. Reblog feature also gives you an idea of how Zemanta Suggest works since you can see the sidebar on the right hand side of the content as you’re writing it. Reblog is only one of many features we released today – we now support more platforms, more browsers and we also have a few plug-ins for blogging platforms. Read about the release or check the interview with our co-founder and CTO Andraž Tori at ReadWriteWeb.

Adobe is making a major announcement tonight — the public beta launch of No longer does the Acrobat name only mean “related to PDF.” The suite of hosted tools include a word processor, PDF converter, conferencing and file storage. From the looks of it, could be a competitor to parts of office suites from Google/Zoho and could also compete with document sharing tools including Docstoc and Scribd. All of the services are hosted on and use the SaaS model (software-as-a-service). It’s clear that collaboration is now Adobe’s focus and this makes sense as we all move to a more connected world. Allen Stern, Adobe Launches Acrobat Hosted Services – New Web Office Player is Here, Jun 2008

Zemanta Pixie

Redesigned media

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

A couple of Slovenian newspaper sites redesigned recently (today?). I got the news on Twitter. I’ll try to review what they’ve done1.


Newspaper vendor, Paddington, London, February 2005Image via WikipediaFirst notified by had, I was eager to see the new design and code. The design is very very wide — a good link to the newspaper that is probably the widest/biggest in Slovenia. At 1024×768 you see all the content, but the banner on the side is missing — I hope they subtract these users when selling ad space (or they should get ToboAds that actually count only the ones that are seen by the user using advanced JavaScript).

The design is boring with only the RSS icons giving it some color. It gives no feedback on links, the font on the front page is too small (11px) and it doesn’t hold its text–resizing well. The content is a bit hard to read with the font size at 12px, width of 600px (50em) and line–height at normal. There doesn’t seem to be any vertical rhythm applied. It’s also very hard to figure out where you are in the structure since some of the navigational elements seem to vary in color for no apparent reason.

The underlying code is disappointing. It’s really something that you would just delete and start over. It suffers from inline styles, divitis, classitis, inline scripts, validation errors (163 for the front page) and overall ugliness. The front page needs 67 requests and 724kB to load in 3.24 seconds (there are a few banners on the site though). Disappointing but expected is the fact that they don’t use Microformats but I was positively surprised that you can use OpenID to log in — I’ve never left a comment on local news sites because you need to register with each one. And I never do.


Posted by Tomaž Štolfa it’s actually not available yetavailable now through but can be accessed directly through It’s a nice page but with a shift in concept — the magazine is a weekly publication while the online edition will publish daily (or probably all the time). It too is wider than the previous version with a width of 1024 leaning on the left side of the browser.

The design is nice and gives good feedback in use. It’s made on a simple 5—column grid with the 5th column being used only in the head and for the banner. The only thing that is quite annoying is the banner at the top that moves the whole page down another 90px for no good reason (at least not for the users?). The content is much easier to read with a 12px font size, 1.5em line–height at 563px width (~47em). It also makes use of few different typeface which adds to the overall experience of surfing. Vertical rhythm in text is achieved through crappy code with paragraphs being spaced with <br /> elements.

The code is nothing to look at. It has 71 validation error on the front page with the first ones starting in the head element (unclosed meta elements). It too sports inline styles and scripts (which are at least wrapped in CDATA) and it too suffers from a heavy infection of divitis. It even has some <center> tags that I haven’t seen for quite some time now. The front page loads in 2.54 seconds for 58 requests and 582kB with all requests except Google Analytics going to the same domain. Microformats are nonexistent and so is OpenID — no need to have registration if you can’t leave comments2.

  1. No need for a disclaimer anymore — I don’t know who designed or coded these pages and I don’t work at their competitors. back
  2. WHAT? Isn’t this supposed to be the most open and future thinking newspaper? back

Form design

Sunday, May 25th, 2008

While trying to buy Luke Wroblewski’s book at Rosenfeld Media I had to create a new account. I filled out the form and submitted it but it didn’t go through. The message it gave was:

You did not complete all of the required fields before submitting information. Fields missing data are highlighted. Please try again.

The thing is none of the fields were highlighted. This means that after scanning the form I just resubmitted it and of course I got the error message again. After the second try I went through the form field by field and found out that I have to select “Not Applicable” for the “State” field if I’m not in US or Canada. Why is empty different from “Not Applicable”?

By the way — the book I was buying is called Web Form Design: Filling in the Blanks :)
