Archive for the ‘software’ Category

Fluid searchbox

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

There’s been a lot of fluid layouts recently. When you use a fluid layout it’s hard to make everything fluid as you need to stretch certain elements and have other elements fixed.

I was approached some time ago by a designer who was working on a fluid design but was having problems with a HTML/CSS only solution for a fluid searchbox. The idea to create a searchbox that grows when the window grows is simple, but becomes a tad more difficult when you add stuff to the left and right of it, some being fixed width (width in px or em) and some fluid width (width in %).

As I like challenges I took it on and produced a sample that worked on most modern browsers in a single evening. They didn’t like it because it didn’t work in IE7 (cause I never checked it) even though the fix for IE (it was only IE7 that didn’t work) was trivial. After a while I went back and checked it out again, changed the code a bit and I think it’s much better now.

The simple form

Creating a fluid search box when you only have a single element next to it is trivial. What you do is wrap the input in an element and use padding to create space for the fixed element, then position the fixed element absolutely (or relatively) in the space created by the padding.

		<input type="text" name="q" value="" />
	<input class="s" type="submit" value="Search" />
fieldset {position:relative;padding:0;}
div {padding-right:6em;}
div input {width:100%;}
input.s {width:5em;font-size:1em;position:absolute;right:0;top:0;}

You could target the input with input[type=submit] but that wouldn’t work in older browsers.

A complex form

The complex form from the intro includes a title, a search type drop-down (select element), the input box and a submit button. This gives us four elements, two of which are fixed and two fluid – and more stuff to hack around.

	<div class="l">
		<select name="type">
			<option>in Books</option>
			<option>in DVDs</option>
	<div class="c">
		<input type="text" value="" name="q" />
	<div class="r">
		<input type="submit" value="Search" />
fieldset {margin:0;padding:0;position:relative;border:0;}
fieldset .l {height:0;}
fieldset .l span {width:3em;display:inline-block;}
fieldset .l select {width:10%;}
fieldset .c {margin:0 60px 0 4em;padding:0 .7em 0 10%;}
fieldset .c input {width:100%;}
fieldset .r {position:absolute;right:0;top:0;}
fieldset .r input {width:60px;}
* html fieldset .l {float:left;width:100%;margin-right:-100%;}

The basics

I created three elements that help me align elements. I’m using classes l for left, c for center and r for right. The left element includes the title and the type, the central element includes the search box and the right element includes the submit button.

fieldset .l {height:0;}
fieldset .r {position:absolute;right:0;top:0;}

The left element has its height set to 0 so it seemingly doesn’t take any space. The central element includes the input and needs no special positioning, while the right element is positioned similar to the simple solution – absolute and set to right.

The surrounding elements

You can set the width of these elements in any unit you like. I set the width for the span element in em, type drop-down in % to make it fluid and submit button in px.

fieldset .l span {width:3em;display:inline-block;}
fieldset .l select {width:10%;}
fieldset .r input {width:60px;}

The only thing you need to do in CSS is set the width to these elements. You need to set the display property on the span element to work around the fact that inline elements don’t allow setting of width.

The fluid input

fieldset .c {margin:0 60px 0 4em;padding:0 .7em 0 10%;}
fieldset .c input {width:100%;}

The input needs its width set to 100% so it will stretch the whole available width of the parent. That happens due to the fact that block-level elements will grow to 100% automatically and the margin and padding will “shrink” its contents. This allows setting the spacing in two different units – one for margin and one for padding. If you look at the CSS rule, you’ll see that the widths are similar to those set for the surrounding elements – of course with some spacing added.

  • Right: 60px margin (width of the submit button), .7em padding (spacing)
  • Left: 4em margin (3em for the title + spacing), 10% padding (type select width)

The browsers

You can check out a sample page with the complex form. Working on Windows I’ve tested it in these browsers:

  • Firefox: 2.0, 3.0, 3.5
  • Opera: 10
  • Safari: 4
  • Google Chrome: 3
  • Internet Explorer: 8 (with its rendering of IE7 Standards and Quirks)

As always at least one browser had to fail – IE6 did. The problem was height:0; as IE6 will render elements as high as their content. We can work around this by changing the way we make it zero width/height so it doesn’t affect the central element.

* html fieldset .l {float:left;width:100%;margin-right:-100%;}

I’m using the IE6 CSS filter to target IE6, you can use conditional comments or whatever you like best. The rule floats the element left, making it 100% wide, but resets the position by setting the right margin to -100%.

As I’m using display:inline-block; this will work a bit different on browsers that don’t support inline-block. In Firefox 2.0 you can use display:-moz-inline-box; in the rule for the span, but make sure you put it before the inline-block.

fieldset .l span {width:3em;display:-moz-inline-box;display:inline-block;}

Last words

You might want to fix some stuff in some browsers so everything aligns nice. The techinque used is derived from the multi-unit any-order column layout by Eric Meyer as it opens your mind on how to use multiple units in a single layout without fuss. I’ve tried all the browsers I have on my dev machine and I’m not saying it works everywhere. If you find a browser where it doesn’t post a comment; if you find a better way of doing things also post a comment.

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Know a JavaScript developer?

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

If you haven’t heard yet, we’re looking for a JavaScript developer at Zemanta. I think the ad says it all.

Are you the frontend developer we are looking for?

Zemanta is developing a platform for contextually enhancing content and your job would be to help us develop tools that make this easy and fun for writers and readers alike.

If you have an exceptional understanding of Javascript and the internals of browsers, thrive on challenges and love learning new skills, then we would love to talk to you. Knowing Python and Django framework is a plus, but not a prerequisite.

“I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”

(Winston Churchill on life at a startup)

Well, not quite. Working in a startup means working in an ever-changing environment. We expect you to be flexible, do what needs to be done when needed, but offer flexibility in return. We care about good work and meeting deadlines. We don’t care where or when you do it, as long as you keep true to mutual agreements which include occasional meetings and we promise not to overburden you with work. A self-reliant member of a team is how you see yourself.

Schools you might have attended are none of our concern. We care only about how good of a developer and person you are. We expect you to send us examples of your work or explain persuasively why we should hire you. Zemanta is an international company, so your application, as much of our communication, will have to be in English.

Please send your application saved as an HTML or TXT document to [email protected].

Closing date for applications: 31.7.2009

In a time when practically all pages include some sort of JavaScript I am surprised that we don’t have more JavaScript developers popping up – this now surely is a full time job even in Slovenia. So you are one challenge yourself and send your job application and if you know one, send him our way…

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Developing for Opera

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

I’ve recently put a lot of time into Zemanta stuff working in Opera. There are a few things I’ve noticed that really bother me as a developer when developing for Opera.

OperaImage via Wikipedia
  1. The easiest way to be sure you’re getting a non cached file is to actually have it open in a tab and reload that tab. Emptying the cache does not seems to work as I’ve found out while caught in an alert loop.[1]

  2. I found the “don’t run scripts on this page anymore” checkbox in the alert box fascinating, but less so after I clicked it and couldn’t find a way to turn scripts back on for that specific page. Fortunately restarting the browser did the job.

  3. We load a loader.js that in turn loads other Javascript and CSS files. Unfortunately it seems I have to manually load these files in tabs in order to get them to work – even though I can see them in Dragonfly when I click them they seem to be blank. When I reload, the content appears. After that they work as expected. But even then I don’t see them loaded in the Network tab of Dragonfly.

  4. Can’t get the CSS loaded from a script to work. I don’t have any ideas, they just don’t work. I don’t see them in Dragonfly network tab (but I don’t see Javascript files either and they work).

  5. When using Dragonfly I cannot get out of the inspect DOm mode so I can’t use the site to do something while watching what is happening in the DOM – what you must do is switch to a different tab, do your stuff and then switch back.

  6. When you look at errors on a WordPress page Opera spits out loads of “-… is an unknown property” – thanks very much but properties that start with a – are supposed to be unknown to most of the browsers as they are vendor specific. This means that finding the error you’re looking for is much more difficult than it should be.

What I really hate the most when working with Opera is the lack of information about what is going on. They’ve added some really nice features in the recent releases but it is still quite far away from being a browser that people develop for. In this way it is sort of similar to IE but IE is a must and Opera isn’t…

If any of these are my mistakes I’d be glad if someone set me straight and taught me to use Opera as a developer. I bet others would too.

  1. When you have a loop that alerts something and you keep getting the alert – the only way of getting out is removing the alert from code, emptying cache and trying to hit reload between alerts. In Opera this does not seem to work as the only way to get the new file is to reload the file and you can’t do that between alerts. back
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On Jetpack

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009
Aza Raskin of MozillaImage by gkanai via Flickr

MozillaLabs released Jetpack – a lightweight way of extending the browser. It’s essentially an API that allows you to write extensions for Firefox with web technologies. You can check out the video here:

Mozilla Labs Jetpack – Intro & Tutorial from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

While you’re at it you should also read the guiding principles.

What I want to do here is list what I want from a lightweight extending system (in no specific order):

  • Only web technologies should be used in the development process (CHECK)
  • Installing as easy as Greasemonkey user scripts (CHECK)
  • Should take care that add-on authors don’t need to update for every version (CHECK)
  • Provides local storage and cross-domain posting capabilities
  • Add-on updates are handled automatically
  • Central add-on repository with usage & install statistics
  • Easy access to add-on options (think options button in add-ons list)
  • Possibility to use web pages as configuration interfaces for add-on settings

My current way of creating Firefox add-ons is to build Greasemonkey user scripts and compiling them to add-ons into a full .xpi. This provides a good framework to add other things that normal Greasemonkey scripts cannot do.

As I checked Jetpack I missed a lot of the things from the list – too many to be able to create a Jetpack version of Tweecious. Since it’s still in 0.1 my hopes are still high.

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Essential Firefox add-ons

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

I’ve recently had to install a Firefox on the new iMac which lead me to ponder what add-ons do you really need.

Image representing Firefox as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

This is the list I compiled:


These add-ons will enhance the capabilities of your browser. You might not need them right away, but it’s smart to have them installed for when you need them (and I’m sure you will).

  1. Google Gears allows you to use off-line Gmail and makes a lot of web applications faster.
  2. Greasemonkey lets you install user scripts that will make pages nicer, give them additional features and other kinky stuff.
  3. Operator will expose microformated content so you can easily use it.


If you’re the dedicated support guy for this specific installation (people will call you when things go wrong) you should install these now – they’ll help you fix stuff later.

  1. Firebug will let you inspect pages and see what’s wrong and why.
  2. Html Validator validates the code on the page so it’s easier to spot why something looks weird on screen.
  3. Web developer toolbar adds a lot of useful features for debugging pages to a handy toolbar.


These are just a few I like that make the browsing experience a bit nicer.

  1. Cooliris makes searching for images a lot friendlier.
  2. FoxTab helps when you have lots of tabs open. Unfortunately it isn’t supported on Mac OS X 10.5.6 yet
  3. Inquisitor is a nice search add-on that will enhance the search box.
  4. Fission moves the progress bar into the address bar (Safari style).


To make your social networking and blogging a bit easier.

  1. Delicious is a great add-on if you use their social bookmarking service.
  2. Fotofox lets you upload photos to a bunch of photo sites easily.
  3. Zemanta integrates with your blogging platform and recommends images, videos, links, articles and tags.
  4. (Shameless plug) Tweecious is great for people who use Twitter and Delicious – it takes twittered links and posts them to Delicious.

You might also want to install dictionaries for the languages you use when writing in Firefox. You can get some more ideas at Fashion your Firefox.

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Speaking about the web of data

Wednesday, February 25th, 2009

Today at 19:00 CET I’ll be speaking at a local web meet-up about the web of data. There’ll be a live feed of the talk available and since I’ll be speaking in English you can tune it. This is a quick translation of the abstract posted on Slovenian sites:

Numerous services are emerging on the web that provide data in a computer friendly form through APIs, microformats, feeds,… Even your blog is actually a database as it syndicates its content via feeds and new posts trigger a ping you can subscribe to.

This fact opens new ways of collaboration – so called mash-ups, but this isn’t really a new concept. What’s new about it is the fact that we don’t use this word anymore as all the new services are some sort of a mash-up leveraging existing services. But accessing data is not the only way to leveraging these services – it’s becoming increasingly easy to create an application that lives in other applications without their approval through browser extensions and bookmarklets.

Marko Mrdjenovič from Zemanta will talk about what you can do to make your site more mash-up friendly and why that’s becoming increasingly important. As a developer I’ll also present what options you have and give a few tips on what to do and what to avoid when developing these kind of apps.

If you have any questions during the talk use twitter to tell me and I’ll try to answer them. Or put them in the comments.

Update: The video is now online. It’s in English so go watch it and tell me what you think.

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